
When I moved to US in Jr. High School, everything was so different: the language, the people, the culture and the food.  When I was in the school, most of time I was quiet, because I didn’t understand much English. When each class was over, everyone would rush out of the classroom to go to their next class.  At the end of day, everyone would again rush out of the school building to get on their school bus to go home.  When I got home from the school, I stayed in my bedroom most of time.  I lived in the suburb area of Pittsburgh; you couldn’t go anywhere without driving.  I didn’t have a driver’s license because I wasn’t sixteen yet.  One time my mom and I tried to walk to a nearby Seven-Eleven; it took us two and half hours to get there and come back home.  So, many months went by, my English did not improve, and I didn’t make any new friends.  My uncle decided to put me in his Baskin Robins Ice Cream store to work on the weekends.  He said that by waiting on the customers, I would be forced to talk to people in English and would therefore pick up English faster.  Soon I met my first American friend Maribeth Mulkerrin; the one who gave me the connection to the American culture and showed me all the fun she knew.  Our friendship proved that two persons from two different countries, with completely different cultural back grounds, could become best friends.  

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原本重拾課本,申請到大學後,想要找一個簡單的學系好好念完它也就對我的上師有所交代了,反正他說隨便我念但一定要拿到四年大學文憑。上了學以後他又說我至少要念完碩士,嘿嘿! 上師很奸哦! 連哄帶騙就這樣被騙上路了。

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這是每個人都會說的: 我將來長大要賺很多錢給爸爸媽媽用

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My mom loves to cook.  When she wants to learn to cook a new dish, she always starts a series of experiments.  She would cook the same dish over and over again until she got it just right.  Most of her experiments resulted in success on the second try.  However, there was one dish that she had to remake so many times that until today I still dread to eat or smell it.  It was the “bowl-shaped sticky rice pudding,” a very popular dish in Taiwan.

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在英文書裡看到的, 和大家分享這一段話, 含意很深.....


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  • Jan 11 Sun 2009 00:54
  • 墊子

大家都認識三毛吧! 記得她最喜歡做的一件事就是撿垃圾, 我也是耶, 所以呀三毛從小就是我的偶像, 超迷他的, 可惜她自殺過世了.

很多人很奢侈, 東西好好的老是丟掉在重買, 在美國尤其是收垃圾天, 我簡直是活在天堂, 哇!什麼桌子, 椅子, 櫃子....  常常可以撿到好貨.  不過好像需要一點運氣吧! 我的朋友們說他們就沒有這種Lock, 他們從來在路邊看不到任何東西.

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